Sunday, August 15, 2010

Inner Game of Work: Book Review

This book was recommended by Jeff Staggs an Executive Coach. Wow, was a great read. If we get our ACT (Awareness, Choice, and Trust) together we can set off on a better path in personal and work lives. In our work lives if we can balance; learning, enjoyment, and performance we will feel a greater fulfillment in our lives. While out on our journey we need to stop and smell the roses. STOP (Step Back, Think, Organize your thoughts, Proceed) at the beginning, middle, and end of our days at work and home we can feel more focused and in control of where we spend our time. Finally he talks about thinking like we are the CEO our ourselves and we need to take inventory of ourselves like we were a corporation. Here coaching can make a big impact as a coach serves as a mirror to reflect back our current state. The coach also offers questions to design an ideal state and removes blocks from getting there. I have over 20 dog eared pages and now I wish I purchased this book for Kindle instead of borrowing it from the library. This one is a real keeper!